/ 10:58 PM
Saturday, August 08, 2009

Food for thought..

Have you had enough of that recently?

building unity/ 5:29 PM
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

1 Corinthians 3:8 -17

Unity is a product of corporate need. We draw together when we sense our need for one another. In a society that hails individualism, personal rights, and personal independence, how do we build unity? How do we join together in recognition of our need for one another when the world around us promotes a rugged individualism?

In chapter three, Paul addresses the issue more directly, focusing from accomplishment that gratifies self to that which serves God. Paul reminds the believers in Corinth that the true issues are not what one can accumulate in this society, but what one can accomplish for God. Further, he addresses the issue that it is not so much the quantity of service that matters as the quality or purity of our service.

If the Corinthians were proud of being freed from slavery, Paul was preoccupied with serving Christ faithfully. If they were proud of which Christian leader they followed, Paul was concerned with remembering that he was nothing more than a laborer in God’s service. Deep down, those things the Corinthians deemed so important were non-existent issues from God’s perspective. They were focusing on self, when God wanted them to look beyond to selfless service.

When Paul wanted the believers to unite, he did not expect them to agree on all issues. He did not ask them to give up their identity. He asked them to set aside selfish desires for importance, prominence, and benefit in order to engage in joint service to God. He asked them to remember that they belonged to Christ Jesus and were not free to serve self as Lord.

Unity requires submission. It demands that we submit personal desires and goals to some higher ideal. Unity requires that all our efforts aim at fulfilling God’s will instead of our own. It requires that we agree on one direction, working side by side to accomplish one goal. It requires that self be placed in submission to God, that we might accomplish His purpose rather than our own.

Are we up to the challenge of uniting to accomplish God’s will?


all you want, but i know, i know your love is just a lie lie. you're nothing but a lie.
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