I was working on the day of christmas eve..
Thinking that it is gonna be one of my worst christmas eve ever..
Missing out all the fun that is coming from my cell grp christmas party..
However.. things turned out otherwise.. way way beyond my expectation..
I was actually asked to be the soundman for New Life Community Church christmas party event held at marina mandarin hotel..
Had alot of fun, joy and laughters counting down to christmas with a bunch of brothers and sisters in christ whom i never knew before..
oh yess.. there was this really beautiful, glamourous and gracious looking ballerina in the skit..
She was dancing with a little ballerina girl beside her..
They seemed to be floating on stage with their every moves and leaps..
Somehow, that ballerina girl managed captured my attention without me knowing when..
When she smiles, it simply melt my heart..
How i wished i have the chance to get to know her..
Unfortunately, i don't..
But, i still want to thank God..
Thank God for showing me the existence of such a beautiful creation in my life..
This fills me with the hope of finding that perfect dream girl of my life..
what a twist of event.. haha..

Labels: I saw an angel