Wed,30th March,2005/ 3:00 PM
Wednesday, March 30, 2005

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Wad a dumb fellow the devil can be
when God is with us ...

Monday,28th March, 2005/ 9:44 PM
Monday, March 28, 2005

Today's paper was a killer man..the paper
was hard plus all those sickening internet
problems tt made it worse..sigh..anyway,
its over..shldn't cry over spilled milk..
hopefully there would be moderation heh..

Phew finally..i graduated fr my poly life..
todae was my last paper..heh..for those whu
encouraged mi or haf pray for mi in a way or
another..Thank you so much, yah!

So wats next after my poly life..ns?? not so
soon..guess i will be working as a part time
first..heh..gonna earn a living..be independent..
i aren't not a small kid anymore..haha..

till then cya...

Who knows the joys that lie ahead?
The secret smiles I'll find
The friends I'll meet
The memories sweet
The cares I'll leave behind
Who knows the beuty of the days I've never seen before
My only wish for life is this
The courage to explore!

Tuesday,22nd March,2005/ 12:40 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Good Old Memories ...

I am falling for these memories,
ones forgotten of you and me.

Oh the little secrets that we shared
When I was sad the way you cared
You let me know you understand
The way you are there for me

Looking back on the times before,
I miss them now so much more.

It's plain and simple,
I am falling for these memories...

Once again thoughts scribbled down,
as the late night fades around
these memories I've fallen for,
of you and me from the times before

I am falling for these memories,
ones forgotten of you and me.

19th March 2005/ 12:46 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005

A Relief

wowhoo, my tough week is finally over..
actuallie my proj grpmate is not tt bad la
think i gonna miss them when i am out of poly..
One more exam paper to go n i done with it.

Sigh..hafing mixed feeling now..cant wait to
graduate but at the same time cant bear to
leave the school.. sigh afterall there are still
some pleasant memories attached to it...

Be it in church, work or sch..
Frens come and go..but wats
the utmost the impt thing is

they left footprints in your
heart that are memorable.

Reality doesn't matter anymore, these memories i will keep it for life ...

[I Walk Alone]/ 12:04 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005

One more week to go..
its the last leap for my projects..
its not gonna be easy,but i wun give
in tt easily.. i will persevere and persevere!!

cant wait for my study break to come..

Monday, 7th March, 2005/ 11:30 AM
Monday, March 07, 2005

wah..i reallie cannot stand some of my grp mates animore!!
Rahh!!! they are my limit!! i want the two weeks to end
now..they totally suck to the core man!! sigh..

[I Walk Alone]/ 2:00 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Thank God!!
Another tough week has passed..
counting down..2 more weeks to go!!
haha..cant wait further!! ahh!!

Thanking Darryl and Joyce for their sms acc
at night..and those whu have prayed for me..
Xie Xie ni Meng..

Anyway, todae i was looking at some of my
baby pics..oh gosh!! i didnt realise i was so
cute in the past..haha..sorrie abit bhb here..
click here to see my baby photo`

Stop discriminating me..
Give me a chance to prove

all you want, but i know, i know your love is just a lie lie. you're nothing but a lie.
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